Showing 1 - 25 of 37 Results
Inside Insomnia: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep by Dryer, Bernard, Kaplan, Ell... ISBN: 9780394746197
America's Problem Youth: Education and Guidance of the Disadvantaged by Mink, Oscar G., Kaplan, Ber... ISBN: 9780700221998
Politics of Neglect: Urban Aid from Model Cities to Revenue Sharing by Frieden, Bernard J., Kaplan... ISBN: 9780262060615 List Price: $27.50
Experiencing the Environment by Wapner, Seymour, Cohen, Sau... ISBN: 9780306308734 List Price: $39.50
Jays Foods, Inc., and Nielsen Brothers Cartage Co., Inc., Petitioners, v. National Labor Rel... by JOHN S IRVING, BERNARD M KA... ISBN: 9781270695714 List Price: $34.99
Kaplan (Bernard) v. U.S. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by MAURICE C INMAN, THURGOOD M... ISBN: 9781270550839 List Price: $30.99
Lupia (Edward) v. Stella D'Oro Biscuit Co., Inc. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record wit... by BERNARD M KAPLAN, JOEL A HABER ISBN: 9781270586517 List Price: $30.99
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union No. 5, v. U.S. of America, Equa... by BERNARD KAPLAN, DANIEL STEINER ISBN: 9781270533320 List Price: $28.99
Edward Q. Lupia, Petitioner, v. Stella D'Oro Biscuit Co., Inc. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript... by BERNARD M KAPLAN, JOEL A HABER ISBN: 9781270708179 List Price: $35.99
Pediatric Nephrology and Urology: The Requisites, 1e (Requisites in Pediatrics) by Bernard S. Kaplan MD, Kevin... ISBN: 9780323018418 List Price: $78.95
Origin and Goal of Zionism : An address delivered at the Zionist demonstration held under th... by Kaplan, Bernard Michael ISBN: 9781179817842 List Price: $14.75
The Politics of Neglect: Urban Aid from Model Cities to Revenue Sharing - Bernard J. Frieden... by Frieden, Bernard J., Kaplan... ISBN: 9780262560160 List Price: $37.00
Symbol Formation An Organismic-Developmental Approach to the Psychology of Language by Werner, Heinz, Kaplan, Bernard ISBN: 9780898593709 List Price: $75.00
Prisoners of This World: Stories by Kaplan, Bernard ISBN: 9780670578474
Development and the Arts Critical Perspectives by Franklin, Margery B., Kapla... ISBN: 9780805804874 List Price: $79.95
In the Vernacular by Barrett, Ross, Herman, Bern... ISBN: 9781881450276 List Price: $20.00
With Joy and Gladness Memories of Rabbi Gershon Hadas by Kushner, Harold, Pucker, Be... ISBN: 9781879985100 List Price: $25.00
Emotions in Ideal Human Development by Cirillo, Leonard, Kaplan, B... ISBN: 9780805804737 List Price: $39.95
Guide to Modern Business and Commercial Law : Practice and Procedure by Kaplan, Bernard M. ISBN: 9780317445930 List Price: $65.00
Heinz Werner, Eighteen Ninety to Nineteen Sixty-Four : Papers in Memoriam by Wapner, Seymour, Kaplan, Be... ISBN: 9780914206040 List Price: $6.00
Perspectives in Psychological Theory : Essays in Honor of Heinz Werner by Kaplan, Bernard, Wapner, Se... ISBN: 9780608112015 List Price: $122.50
Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought (Volume 5) by Heshey Zelcer, Nachum Eliez... ISBN: 9780976566540 List Price: $13.95
Miriam the Prophetess : A Sermon Delivered on Sabbath Shemoth, 5661 by Kaplan, Bernard M. ISBN: 9781290291095 List Price: $18.95
Dropout Studies, Design and Conduct. Daniel Schreiber, Director : Bernard A. Kaplan, Assista... by Project on the Academically... ISBN: 9780598231703 List Price: $30.00
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